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Frithjof Besser

geboren am 22. Mai 1930 in Ludwigshafen am Rhein
gestorben am 17. März 2023 in Viernheim



G.u. M.Weidner
entzündete diese Kerze am 20. April 2023 um 14.12 Uhr

Sehen Sie weitere 9 Kerzen…



Melissa Stauffer (nee Pohl)
schrieb am 27. Februar 2024 um 11.18 Uhr

Dear Family of Frithjof Besser,

I was very sorry to read of Frithjof's passing, though I suppose I should not have been surprised, given the time that has passed since our last correspondence. Frithjof was a cousin of my grandfather, Richard Pohl, of Burlington, Iowa, USA. Both my parents (Fred and Carolyn Pohl) and I have exchanged Christmas cards and a few notes with Frithjof over the last ~20 years. I first wrote to him in 1998. I still have the letters and pictures he sent to me, as I always hoped to be able to visit our distant relatives in Germany. My son is going to graduate from college in a couple years, and I have been thinking about bringing him to France and Germany as a graduation present in 2026. I was hoping to contact a Besser family member to see if anyone is interested in meeting with us while we are there and/or re-establishing contact between the distant branches of our family. I would be delighted if one of Frithjof's sons or grandchildren would contact me at We send you our belated sympathy from the USA and hope you will get in touch.



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Der letzte Termin

Trauerfeier in der Trauerhalle mit anschließender Urnenbeisetzung, Waldfriedhof Viernheim

Freitag, 31. März 2023 11.00 Uhr


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